World War I
mobi, epub |eng | 0101-01-01 | Author:Geoff Dyer

Mourning for all mankind? Beyond that it is difficult to say what feelings the memorial evokes. Not pity, not pride, not sadness even. Henry Williamson acknowledged this uncertainty while remaining ...
( Category: Criticism March 25,2014 )
epub |eng | 2013-07-04 | Author:David Crane [David Crane]

EIGHT The Task In all the arguments over principles it is easy to lose sight of the sheer scale of the physical task that the Imperial War Graves Commission had ...
( Category: Death March 25,2014 )
epub |eng | 2009-09-27 | Author:Stephen O'Shea

4. The Noyon Salient The Noyon Salient was a large bulge in the German lines, a blunted belly of destruction and menace that hung over Paris, some sixty miles to ...
( Category: World War I March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub | | 2010-01-29 | Author:T.E. Lawrence

By now the Turkish preparations were complete; they began to move, disclosing that their objective was Guweira, the best road for Akaba. Two thousand infantry pushed out to Aba el ...
( Category: World War I March 25,2014 )
epub, mobi, azw3 |eng | 2011-08-30 | Author:Keegan, John [Keegan, John]

GALLIPOLI The Dardanelles, which separates Europe from Asia, is a passage thirty miles long, at its narrowest less than a mile wide, leading from the Mediterranean into the landlocked Sea ...
( Category: World War I March 25,2014 )
epub, mobi |eng | 2009-11-20 | Author:Norman Stone

Note on the Tsar’s Stavka33 The Tsar’s command was a largely formal affair: as Langlois said, ‘c’est à Alexéieff qu’on obéit, ou plutôt à qui on désobéit’. The Tsar was ...
( Category: Military March 25,2014 )